Published Works

The New York Times

Letter to My Husband in Quarantine on Day 18

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The Washington Post

Survivor reflects on living with cancer and the ambiguity of remission

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The New York Times

Tiny Love Stories

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The Washington Post

Middle age shouldn’t be a drag. How a ‘chrysalis’ mind-set can help.

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WIRED Magazine

How to Use Tech to Create an Ethical Will

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The Globe and Mail

I often overdo things but being the only grown-up in costume was still a surprise

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The Boston Globe

Look Who's Selfish Now

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Los Angeles Review of Books

Cold Case in the Family: A Conversation with Wayne Hoffman

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The Independent

I’m living with incurable cancer, like Olivia Newton-John did for 30 years. This is my reality

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New York Daily News

Hunkering Down for a Hugless Hannukah

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Dear Rejection Letters

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Tablet Magazine

Glamping with God

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Tablet Magazine

Searching for a Blessing

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Tablet Magazine

Heart of the Matter

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Tablet Magazine

Drinking After the Apocalypse

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The Forward

The Ghost of Hannukah Past

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The Jerusalem Post

Seeing the Forest Through the Trees

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The Jerusalem Post

Seeking: Nice Jewish Shul

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The Jerusalem Post

Putting the 'Me' in Meilitz Yosher

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